Sunday, January 29, 2017

Personnel List

We finally made a list of all the folks who have played with Train River over the years.  We surprised ourselves: it numbered over 50!  Some of the most talented players in town are on that list, too...  So we're pretty proud!

We added it to the About Page.

Did we forget anyone?!?

Saturday, January 28, 2017

latest media

We finally published more audio!  It's not a recent show, but it's a gem: the performance at Portland'5, outside the Schintz, in 2014. We had a supergroup featuring Jeffree White, Ray Mann, Dylan-Thomas Vance, Natalia Burgess, Julie Larson, Matt Franzen, and Rich Landar!

It's a soundboard recording!  The first track was garbled, so we cut it out.